Friday, March 22, 2013


There are many note taking  bookmarking, and read it later services on the web, but one thing that makes Diigo different is its highlighting feature.  I have tried Diigo before and always removed it because it was just another third party site who had access to my data.

What peaked my interest this time around was their Educator Accounts which can be linked to a domain. For example, students with a district email address could have a Diigo account linked to it. As more of what students and teachers do is on online, sites like Diigo are essential.

In the past week, here is what stands out as the most useful features of Diigo.

  1. Highlighting  As you surf the web you can highlight text on any webpage.
  2. Annotation You can create notes - post it notes - on any webpage.
  3. Screen Capture You can capture an image of a website and mark it up with drawing tools.
Have you tried Diigo, if so, what is your favorite feature? 

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